Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Railway Track II

Mom & Dad decided to bring us back to the railway track again. This 3km stretch will be opened till the end of July 2011. So do take this opportunity to visit this beautiful place one last time...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Railway Track I

Mom & Dad brought us all four to the railway track this morning. We reached there at around 0700 hours & there was already a huge crowd there! Trains have since ceased operation on 010711& the tracks here are gonna be fenced up on Sunday & hence, lotsa ppl have been flooding in with their friends and families... even organizing walks (the entire railway walk is 9 hours) there & photo-taking as well... these will all be memories... memories of our Green Corridoor.... sigh...

Lemme let you have a glimpse of how beautiful the place is. Mom & Dad had wanted to bring us there a long long time ago... but just hadn't got down to it till now... it's really a pity the authorities can't see it as a need to keep this beautiful natural heritage of ours.

We spent 2 hours odd there as it's really difficult to snap us all four together since we weren't really cooperating much with Mom. Not to mention there was so many people and groups after groups of ppl simply came flooding in non-stop. We actually waited for the crowd to be lesser at certain points. School excursions were even organized & teenagers were chasing us along the tracks trying to snap a pix of us... especially Lauryn! Because they all thought she was so cute & small... they prolly thought she's a pup hehe. One of them walking behind Mom even mentioned, ''why is this stupid dog (she meant Lauryn) walking so fast! I can snap a pix of it! Can't it slow down for me??'' A few of them even patted me because I'm the super confident and friendly bitch amongst the lot heh.

Not to mention most of the adults there were amused with Chewy! Lotsa them asked is she a cat... do they get along... so cute... etc. Most of them even stopped & took a pix of her or random pix of us.

Okies... here's some of the nicer pix outta 81.