Monday, October 20, 2014


This supp is given to Cotton and me only twice a week, one capsule each. Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 for short) is mainly for the heart. Mom ordered the brand Garden of Life for us as its her fav. brand of supps since its whole-food supp instead of the common cheap synthetic ones out there. Ordered on 07 Oct at about USD37.76 per bottle before discount.

This ( link ) here is pretty detailed about it. Another link listed below.

COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10) for Pet Heart Health

Written by   

There are several natural treatments for heart disease in cats and dogs, including Taurine, Carnitine, Hawthorn and Coenzyme Q10. This month we are focusing on the use of CoQ10 for your pet’s heart health.
CoQ10 (ubiquinone) is a powerful fat-soluble antioxidant that is found in every cell in the body. It plays a fundamental role in the mitochondria, the parts of the cell that produce energy from food. Coenzyme Q10 appears to control the flow of oxygen within the cells as well as functioning as an antioxidant to reduce damage to cells by harmful free radicals. Every cell in the body needs CoQ10, but there is no US Recommended Dietary Allowance since the body can manufacture CoQ10 from scratch.

Because CoQ10 is found in all animal and plant cells, we obtain small amounts of this nutrient from our diet. However, it would be hard to get a therapeutic dosage from food. CoQ10 appears to assist the heart muscle during times of stress, perhaps by helping it use energy more efficiently. While CoQ10’s best-established use is for congestive heart failure, ongoing research suggests it may also be useful for other types of heart problems and for a wide variety of additional illnesses. Preliminary research has shown reduced levels of CoQ10 in the hearts of people and pets with heart disease.

In people, the typical recommended dosage of CoQ10 is 30 to 300 mg daily, often divided in two or three doses. CoQ10 is fat-soluble and is better absorbed when taken in an oil-based soft gel form rather than in a dry from such a tablets and capsules. In pets, the typical dosage is 30 mg every 24 to 48 hours, although your veterinarian may alter this dosage depending upon your pet’s size and individual needs. (Some doctors feel that increasing the dosage is necessary for larger pets; for example, 80 mg every 24 to 48 hours might be recommended for a 100-pound dog.) In people, the best-documented use of CoQ10 is for treating congestive heart failure and when taken along with conventional medications, not instead of them. People with congestive heart failure have significantly lower levels of CoQ10 in their heart muscle cells than healthy people. While this does not prove CoQ10 supplements will help people with heart failure, it has prompted researchers to try using CoQ10 as a treatment for heart failure. In people, at least nine double-blind studies have found that CoQ10 supplements can markedly improve symptoms and objective measurements of heart function when they are taken along with conventional medication.

Weaker evidence suggests that it may be useful for cardiomyopathy (several small studies suggest CoQ10 supplements are helpful for some forms of cardiomyopathy) and other forms of heart disease. It has also been suggested as a treatment for high blood pressure (although scientific evidence for this use is weak) and to prevent heart damage caused by certain types of cancer chemotherapy (such as adriamycin). Since CoQ10 might conceivably interfere with the action of other chemotherapy drugs due to its antioxidant activity (although there is no good evidence that it does so), check with your veterinarian before using CoQ10 if your pet has cancer that requires chemotherapy.

CoQ10 may also help periodontal (gum) disease (by reducing the size and improving the health of periodontal pockets, as well as decreasing inflammation, redness, bleeding, and pain) and diabetes in people and pets. Since most pets with heart disease also have periodontal disease, an extra benefit might be achieved in pets with heart disease taking CoQ10.

In experiments in dogs, CoQ10 was found to exert a protective effect against oxidative injury to the heart. Stabilization of body weight, improved clinical status, and a slowing of the progression of signs have been seen in dogs with heart disease treated with CoQ10.

CoQ10 appears to be extremely safe. No significant side effects have been found; however, pets with severe heart disease should not take CoQ10 (or any other supplement) except under a veterinarian’s supervision.
The maximum safe dosages of CoQ10 for young children, pregnant or nursing women, or those with severe liver or kidney disease have not been determined; the same is true for pets of similar circumstances.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Organic Mushroom Complex

It's Mom's Rei-ki Teacher who recommend a mushroom supplement for Chewy. She's crazy over cats btw and rescues them and most importantly, very knowledgeable on raw food/holistic health for animals. So whenever Mom's at the seminar, she's always asking her qns on animals and never on humans lol. Ah btw Mom's teacher is like the queen of supplements eating over 30 capsules a day or maybe even more.

Again, Mom researched and found this organic mushroom complex by Dr. Mercola for us. Ordered it on 23 Oct and it's around USD20.37 per bottle before discount. We're fed probably about 1/3 of a teaspoon each 6 days a week (Mondays are our fasting days).

Here's the ( link ) to all the details.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Organic Blueberries . Blueberry Extract .

Other than organic apples and organic kiwis (awesome for vit. C), we also get organic frozen blueberries. Blueberries are mega high in anti-oxidants which are awesome for living beings. Btw, blueberries should preferably be frozen for a reason (more on it below). Mom has been freezing all our blueberries years ago even before reading those recent articles published on the benefits of freezing blueberries. Because if you do not freeze them, they'd turn all soft and alcoholic-like. Mom thinks its just common sense to freeze them. Or maybe some ppl don't like it frozen. Some brands have it stated on their packaging that they are to be kept frozen.

Mom also ordered blueberry extract on 07 Oct 2014. They're about USD16.88 each before discount. If you've come across bilberries, it's just another name for it... difference being bilberries are wild. Both are fine.

Mom blends our fruits too with our organic veg 6 days a week (we fast every Monday). Now its just either one organic kiwi per day or about 8 to 10 organic blueberries. If she uses the raw berries then blueberry extract would not be given vice-versa.

We get either one-quarter (or sometimes half) capsule each per day. No fixed rule... its up to you. Mom simply caps the capsule back and refrigerate it. Only the contents of the capsules are fed to us. So technically, Mom is super-pro in opening capsules LOL. 

14 Aug 2013

Can Dogs Eat Berries?


Most dog guardians today want to feed their dog a healthy diet, but  aren’t always sure exactly what foods are healthy.  Take berries, for example.  If you check the Internet, you will find lots of different information about berries.  People seem confused about whether or not berries are good for dogs, or even safe to feed dogs.  You can rest assured that there are many kinds of berries that are perfectly safe and healthy for your dog to eat.

Dogs Love Berries

Dogs love many of the same kinds of berries that you probably like yourself:  blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries.  All of these berries are healthy and safe for your dog to eat.

Some Poisonous Berries

When people refer to berries that dogs should avoid, those berries include fruit that contains pits, such as cherries.  It is possible for a dog to choke on these large pits or “stones.”  Additionally, some of these pits contain chemicals which can be harmful to your dog if eaten.  Dogs should also avoid eating holly berries, juniper berries, baneberries, poke berries, and mistletoe berries.

Health Benefits of Berries

Just as there are health benefits for you when you eat blueberries and other berries, there are also lots of health benefits for your dog.  Berries are known for their antioxidant properties, which means that they can protect your cells against the effects of “free radicals.”  Free radicals are normally produced when your body goes through the process of breaking down food, or whenever it’s exposed to many everyday assaults from things like tobacco smoke or ordinary radiation in the atmosphere.  Free radicals can cause damage to our cells.  It is believed that these harmful molecules can affect us in ways that cause cancer, heart disease, and other health problems.  So, antioxidants which come from berries, can help protect us, and our dogs, from the harm caused by free radicals.  Giving your dog berries may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other health issues.

Studies have also suggested that blueberries are beneficial to older dogs and help them keep their cognitive functions.  This is especially important for dogs that might be experiencing canine Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome.

Cranberries offer dogs the same benefits that they offer humans and can improve urinary tract health.  They are especially beneficial to dogs experiencing any kidney issues.  Cranberries are particularly high in vitamin C.  Cranberry juice is acidic and when you give it to your dog it helps to lower the pH of your dog’s urine.  This makes the urinary tract inhospitable for bacteria.

Trying Berries

Many dogs enjoy eating berries right from your hand, or you can put some berries in their dish with their dog food.  In other cases, as with cranberries, you can give them some cranberry juice to add berries to their diet.  Berries can be fed in berry form, pureed, or you can add them to a favorite dog cookie recipe.  Berries also make excellent treats for your dog.

If you haven’t offered your dog berries yet, purchase a couple of different kinds and see how your dog likes them.  Chances are that your dog will quickly become a big fan of berries.  And you’ll be a big fan of their health benefits to your dog.

I think we’re all already aware that organic berries are very good for our overall health. The vitamins that they contain spread a number of benefits throughout our body, but is it possible to make them even more healthy?

Apparently, yes. Yes we can.

More and more research is pointing in the direction that freezing fruits can actually make them even healthier. This appears to be the case with organic blueberries, where anthocyanin concentration is actually more potent after a short stay in the freezer. In case you don’t know, anthocyanins contain a number of anti-inflammatory qualities, and are known to benefit your overall brain health.

Some research even suggests that anthocyanin may possess anti-carcinogenic properties that could completely revolutionize the medical industry.

What does freezing do?
When you freeze blueberries (for short OR long periods of time), the low temperatures penetrate deep within the fruit and disrupt the tissue structure – this makes the anthocyanins more available and absorbable.
The berries actually have their sharp, blue color because of the anthocyanin in the tissue. Organic berries already have higher nutritional content than alternatives, but freezing them can actually improve on these 5 benefits:

1.      Improving Heart Health

Eating frozen blueberries can significantly lower your risk of heart disease. This is because the nutrients regulate and relax the elasticity of your arteries in the vascular wall, keeping them from getting damaged. Consequently, this also improves your blood flow, giving you a healthy blood pressure in the process.

2.      Reduced Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease & Other Forms of Dementia
The anthocyanin in the berries can actually improve your memory functions, and protect your brain against cell damage and loss. The protection makes your encoding and retrieval processes more fluid, making it easier to recall information.The berries can also improve your nerve cell growth, and make communication easier between nerve cell processes. This actually slows down the rate that they age, and ultimately, die.

3.      Improved Nervous System Health
The antioxidants in blueberries  provide your nerve cells with protection, as mentioned previously. They also keep your brain healthy from various forms of toxin pollution that it is exposed to every day. They effectively create a safeguard around your nervous system to keep it healthy and strong for a longer period of time.

4.      Improved Motor Function
Older adults, who suffer from impaired movements above the age of 70+ years, generally perform and behave more functionally after consuming frozen blueberries. They have heightened cognitive ability, which shows improved motor ability in comparison to other men and women in the same age group.

5.      Improved Digestion
The antioxidants in blueberries protect your digestive tract from any damage from outside sources. The scary thing is, many of the people who lack antioxidants in their diets consequently develop cancer as a result of poor gastrointestinal health. People at risk of developing colon cancer should definitely bring more frozen blueberries into their diets.

Blueberries are already so healthy, but freezing them allows for you to get the benefits in such a higher concentration than refrigerated ones. They will taste just as good, but will be so much healthier without even showing it.

Try them out next time you pick up a batch. Grab a few extra ones to pack into the freezer for a few weeks, and make them a regular start to your mornings.


Friday, October 17, 2014


Another one of our new supps is bio-curcumin which Mom ordered on 07 Oct 2014. Curcumin is the main compound found in turmeric. We've been eating organic turmeric for a long while now as curcumin not only aids in preventing cancer, but also helps in arthritis and Cotton has mild arthritis which thankfully has not worsen for a long time. Mom believes its thanks to curcumin. We're not on any glucosamine or MSM which ppl usually use for bone issues as Mom just doesn't ''feel'' like its for us. What we're fed with actually depends on Mom's hunches. If she doesn't feel like feeding it based on her intuition without any concrete reasons, then nope... we ain't getting it.

We get half a capsule each a day. Its about USD28.50 each before discount.

  • For Longer Life
  • Up To 7 times Greater Absorption†
  • Dietary Supplement
The 100% natural curcuminoids complex in Super Bio-Curcumin is patent-pending synergistic blend of curcuminoids and sesquiterpenoids with enhanced bioavailability and sustained retention time in the body confirmed by human clinical studies. Super Bio-Curcumin is a "next generation" in delivery of curcumin compounds that no longer requires high doses of curcumin to reach sustained levels of curcumin in the blood plasma. †Each 400 mg capsule of Super Bio-Curcumin is equivalent to 2,772 mg of a typical 95% curcumin extract.

Super Bio-Curcumin
Curcumin is impressing scientists around the world with its remarkable multiple health benefits. Curcumin is a polyphenol present in the spice turmeric and was first used by Indians over 3,000 years ago in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Modern science has found that curcumin has remarkable health benefits for nearly every organ system in the body … including its ability to inhibit enzymes that help produce inflammation in the body.

Studies have tied inflammation to overexpression of a protein molecule called nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kappaB). NF-kappaB acts like a switch to turn on genes that produce the body’s inflammatory responses. Because NF-kappaB’s expression increases in aging adults, scientists have sought ways to modulate NF-kappaB and its effects in the body.

Curcumin has been shown to exert powerful inhibitory effects on NF-kappaB activation within the body. Curcumin inhibits overexpression of NF-kappaB. In addition, curcumin inhibits the metabolism of arachidonic acid, as well as activities of cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, and cytokines (interleukins and tumor necrosis factor).

Other clinical trials suggest roles for curcumin in helping maintain healthy bowel and joint functions. Curcumin can also help maintain normal healthy platelet function, and have immunomodulatory effects by inhibiting histamine release from mast cells. Other studies show curcumin’s potential for supporting healthy brain function and offering neuroprotection.

Curcumin may effectively support pancreatic islet health. Curcumin’s multifaceted effects include protecting against estrogen-mimicking chemicals, protecting against free radicals, and promoting normal cell cycle growth.

The problem is that curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream. Super Bio-Curcumin absorbs up to seven times better than conventional curcumin. So this patented formula represents the most cost-effective way to supplement with this critical nutrient. Studies show that one 400 mg capsule a day of this turmeric compound can provide curcumin blood levels equal to ingesting 2,500–2,800 mg of commercial curcumin supplements. And not only does this turmeric formulation provide far greater peak blood levels, but the curcumin remains in the bloodstream almost twice as long as conventional supplements. And this enhanced absorption delivery complex provides other beneficial turmeric compounds in addition to standardized curcumin.
Suggested Use
Read the entire label and follow the directions carefully prior to use.
Take one (1) capsule daily with food, or as recommended by a healthcare practitioner.
Other Ingredients
Rice flour, vegetable cellulose (capsule), vegetable stearate, silica.
Contains rice.
This product contains NO milk, egg, fish, peanuts, crustacean shellfish (lobster, crab, shrimp), soybeans, tree nuts, wheat, yeast, gluten or corn. Contains NO sugar and no artificial sweeteners, flavors, colors or preservatives.
Caution: Do not take if you have gallbladder problems or gallstones. If you are taking anti-coagulant or anti-platelet medications, or have a bleeding disorder, consult your healthcare provider before taking this product.
  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Do not exceed recommended dose.
  • Do not purchase if outer seal is broken or damaged.
  • When using nutritional supplements, please consult with your physician if you are undergoing treatment for a medical condition or if you are pregnant or lactating.
Store tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

u can also use organic turmeric powder

If you cook, you may already be familiar with turmeric, but for first timers, here’s a quick culinary lesson to get us started. The turmeric herb, a member of the ginger family, is most commonly known for its deep orange color and is used for cooking, herbal medicine and dyes. Native to Middle Eastern and Southeast Asian countries, it has been a staple in cooking for thousands of years. Today it is a key ingredient in most curry dishes as well as yummy Thai, Indian, and Persian plates.
Ayurvedic and Chinese medicines have long known the benefits of turmeric for the body, inside and out.

“Ay….ur…vedic medicine?”

Quick explanation. An ancient Ayurvedic proverb reads: “When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need.” Ayurvedic medicine is the traditional medicine of India, originating over 5000 years ago. How is this relevant today? Because it doesn’t just look at the aspect of treatment, it looks at prevention and using elements like nutrition, exercise and lifestyle factors to re-establish balance in the body.

What we eat is a key component of this holistic healing approach.

Spice of Life

OK, back to turmeric. So we know that it’s a spice. It’s orange. We cook Eastern and Asian food with it. But why is it so good for our pets? The bio-active compound (active ingredient or healing properties) of turmeric is “curcumin” (not to be confused with a different spice called cumin). Curcumin is responsible for its bright orange color as well as a host of health benefits. This prime ingredient acts as a spice, but also as a pain reliever. For this reason, it’s a great food additive for pets that suffer from ailments and illnesses which cause pain.
But it’s also beneficial in many other ways! Let’s look a little closer at Eastern medicine to understand how it is used to maintain good health.
Traditional Asian medicine used turmeric for its ability to detoxify the body, purify the blood, stimulate bile production in the liver, disinfect wounds, and as a stomach tonic. In addition, Thais used it to treat diarrhea and other stomach ailments, as well as to eradicate ringworm, a fungal infection. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, turmeric is applied to wounds to cleanse and stimulate recovery, keeping harmful bacteria away.


Western medicine is finally catching up with Eastern practice. Turmeric is now being researched extensively for pharmacological use in treating and/or reducing symptoms related to a wide range of health conditions. The National Institute of Health is conducting 19 clinical trials on turmeric and curcumin. A paper written for the American Academy of Pain Management discusses the health benefits of turmeric. “Turmeric is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories available,” says Dr. Randy J. Horwitz, the medical director of the Arizona Centre for Integrative Medicine and assistant professor of clinical medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine.

Dr. Horwitz also cites a 2006 University of Arizona study that found this potent anti-inflammatory to reduce the symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical studies have shown that curcumin in turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals which cause the painful inflammation and damage to joints affected by arthritis.

This is pretty significant for our senior K9 friends that may be suffering from the aches and pains associated with arthritis and aging in general.

The anti-inflammatory properties, combined with the fact that turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, suggests that it’s also useful for disinfecting and treating skin injuries. Research suggests that when using it topically, mix it with honey. This creates a paste that you can easily apply to wounds. We talked about raw honey before, so you probably already know that honey also has high antibacterial properties. Of course, you will have to keep an eye on your furry friend as the combination of turmeric and honey may also be a tasty treat.

Heart Health

Another concern with our senior pets is ensuring heart health. Like us, our pets are susceptible to blood clots and excess cholesterol. You may have heard of LDL (bad cholesterol) and HDL (good cholesterol). Well turmeric has been found to lower LDL levels which support both heart and liver health.
In addition, turmeric helps to thin the blood, reducing the risk of deadly clots that can lead to strokes and heart attacks. It’s important not to thin your dog’s blood too much, but the right amount can be helpful. If your pet is on medication, especially those that thin the blood, check with your vet for the appropriate dosage.

The Great Detoxifier

What about the liver? Yes, turmeric is good for that too.
Our environment is becoming more and more toxic and that not only affects us, it impacts Fido as well. Our pets are susceptible to toxins in the environment and in their food, especially commercially produced kibble and treats.

The liver plays a significant role in removing toxins from the body. Think of the liver as the main industrial centre for the body. It’s involved in nearly every biochemical process required to run the body. The body’s abilities to clot blood, to breakdown harmful toxins, and to remove waste and store energy, are all affected by the liver. It is a major player in your pet’s digestion, storing vitamins and producing bile which is necessary to break down fat. It’s a pretty important piece of machinery for your pet’s overall health.

Curcumin is believed to stimulate bile production necessary for the digestion of fat in the liver. Active dogs need at least 20% fat in their diet; therefore, bile production is critical for good health.

In short, turmeric boosts the liver’s ability to metabolize fat and remove waste from the body.

As with any pre-existing condition, if your pet already suffers from liver disease, you should consult your vet before treating with turmeric as some studies indicate that turmeric may aggravate existing problems.
Anti-Cancer Properties!!!

One of the most interesting discoveries I made while investigating the benefits of turmeric is that there are now reports coming out claiming that turmeric may help in the fight against cancer! This powerful antioxidant plays a significant role in preventative medicine.

But wait, there’s more!

In a study at UCLA, doctors found that curcumin seemed to block the cancer promoting enzyme that stimulates the growth of head and neck cancer. The Department of Small Animal Clinical Scientists has conducted studies that show that curcumin can inhibit tumor growth and may even shrink existing tumors. This has to do with the spice’s amazing ability to shut down blood vessels that feed tumors.

Antioxidant properties are also helpful in reducing the negative side effects of chemotherapy.

Now, we are not saying turmeric is the only thing you should do to prevent, control and/or treat cancer; however, it certainly has us excited about its anti-cancer properties.

Other Uses

If we haven’t already convinced you about the health benefits of turmeric, here are a few more uses:
  • Aids in the treatment of epilepsy
  • Helps relieve allergies
  • Helps in preventing the formation of cataracts
  • Used in treating depression (Yes, dogs can get depressed too)
  • Kills parasites
  • Heals stomach ailments, aids in digestive disorders, and reduces gas and bloating
  • Acts as a binding agent and therefore great for treating diarrhea (Make sure you have lots of water available for your pet to drink!)
  • Aids in fat metabolism and weight management
  • High in fiber and rich in vitamins and mineral

So How Do I Feed It?

The suggested dosage is approximately 15 to 20 mg per pound of body weight in dogs, 150-200mg for cats. A simpler way of looking at it is an 1/8 to a 1/4 teaspoon per day, for every 10lbs of dog weight. Make sure your pet has lots of water to ensure that they don’t get constipated.

You can feed the powder, which is most commonly available, or crushed or fresh root. Sprinkle it right on top of your pet’s food and mix or, if you home cook, you can add it to the recipe. Quality varies and if you are buying turmeric in a local supermarket, it may be grown using nasty pesticides and herbicides. This lowers the potency. If possible, try to get high quality, organic turmeric. Be sure to store it in a tightly sealed container, kept in a cool, dark and dry place.

According to Dr. Demian Dressler, DVM known as the “Dog Cancer Vet” and author of Dog Cancer Survival Guide: Full Spectrum Treatments to Optimize Your Dog’s Life Quality and Longevity: “[…] curcumin has some bioavailability problems. This means that the stuff doesn’t, to a large extent, get absorbed into the blood after it is taken by mouth. However, there are ways around this.

Curcumin does not dissolve well in water. This is one of the things that limit its absorption. You can overcome this by mixing it with lecithin and water and making a slurry. Lecithin is available online. It is very, very gooey, so you must add some water to the curcumin-lecithin (about 4 parts water to 1 part lecithin). You can put some low sodium boullion, or similar agents, in it for flavor. Many of the commercial preparations have bromelain with it to enhance blood levels. No problem. Doses are approximate, and taken from human literature. For a large dog, use about 2 grams twice a day.”

Is There Anything Else I Should Know?

Remember how turmeric is a bright orange color? Well, the ancient monks used turmeric as a dye to stain their robes. Moral of the story: be careful and mix it in well with your pets’ food, because your pets might end up with turmeric mustaches!

Turmeric is a binding agent, so ensure that your pet has lots of water to reduce the likelihood of constipation.
Our research didn’t find many contradictions to taking turmeric medicinally. However, if your pet does have a pre-existing condition, is currently on medication, has a planned surgery, or is pregnant, it’s advisable to talk to your vet before feeding.

Spice up yours and your pet’s life with a little turmeric!

Written by Planet Paws Blogger – Sarah MacKeigan
Sources & Information – Rodney Habib
Editor & Photographer – Lise Blinn

Spice of Life: Curcumin and Dog Cancer

In researching topics for expanded treatments of dog cancer, I have discovered surprises aplenty.
Because of the desire for options beyond surgery, chemo and radiation for dog cancer, I chose to look in areas that I would have ignored just a few years back.

One of the hottest topics in cancer research right now is the dietary flavonoid group.  This is just a bunch of substances that are found in foods which have beneficial effects against cancer.

We all know that certain foods or dietary choices have influence on cancer development and overall health.  I came accross a statistic in human medicine that stated that about one third of cancers in people could have been prevented with lifestyle choices (this was excluding the effects of cigarette smoking).

One of the biggest lifestyle choices is the inclusion of certain foods that combat the effects of environmental carcinogens, genetic tendencies, trace water pharmaceuticals, viral DNA changes, dietary carcinogens, electrical field effects, and more.

Most of these naturally occuring flavanoids have very low toxicities.  One of the biggies is curcumin.
Curcumin is found in turmeric, which is the spice that is used in curries.  Curcumin is exceedingly interesting for dogs with cancer.  It is one of the core ingredients I use in cancer supplement programs for my patients and I have seen literal shrinkage of different dog lumps, like  hemangiosarcomas of the skin, fatty tumors (lipomas) , fibrosarcomas, and plasmacytomas.  I rely on it a lot.

This substance is being used as a model for tons of anticancer drugs  in development right now.  Here is some info.  And here is some more.  Over 40 different curcumin analogs (new drugs using curcumin as a template) are being researched at Ohio State University.

Why not just use the curcumin, instead of going through all the bother of making these new drugs?  There are two main reasons.

My grandfather left me these wise words: “When you want to find the reason for something, look for the dollar.”

So of course money has something to do with it.  You can’t patent a naturally occurring compound.  However, if you tweak its structure to produce a synthetic analog, get the lawyers together to protect the intellectual property, patent it, you are set for years. In this way big pharma protects profits.
Secondly, curcumin has some bioavailability problems. This means that the stuff doesn’t, to a large extent, get absorbed into the blood after it is taken by  mouth.  However, there are ways around this.

If you want to find out more about curcumin, please read the next post!!

Best to all,
Dr Dressler

More on Curcumin and Dog Cancer

In the last post, I introduced curcumin, a useful tool against cancer found in turmeric.
In this post we will look at some of the effects and practicalities in the use of this remarkable substance.
Safety should always be questioned. Curcumin is exceptionally safe when given by mouth.  Read more here.
One of the complaints about it is that it is not absorbed significantly when taken by mouth (passes through in the feces). True statement. But…

Curcumin taken by mouth does have effects in the body after all, in spite of low levels being taken up in the blood.  It was shown in  a human clinical trial that large doses (over 3 grams) decreased the levels of a chemical signal with links to cancer development and progression.

This chemical signal is called prostaglandin E2. This signal was measured in the bloodstream.
This means that actually some of the curcumin taken by mouth does indeed have effects on the body.  Check it out for yourself here.

Curcumin, at least in test tube studies (in vitro), shows a most definite ability to cause cancer cells to end their life cycle.  Another way of saying this is that it is an apoptogen, or something that causes programed, healthy,  end-of-life for cancer cells.

One way that curcumin is able to do this is by injuring the mitochondria, or the energy factories in the cancer cells.  Here is an abstract about that.

Curcumin is able to shut down the activity of one of the central chemical signals involved in cancer development and progression (NFK Beta).  This molecule is perhaps one of the most important molecules in the whole field of cancer.

On top of that, it has effects to slow the growth of blood vessels feeding tumors,  helping to stop cancer expansion.

For more info on these different ways curcumin helps fight cancer, read on here.

In humans, most of the research has focused on intestinal cancers.  The reason is because the stuff, after taken by mouth, goes down into the intestine and contacts the wall of the intestine.

Since these intestinal cancers are less dependant on curcumin getting in the blood to contact the cancer cells, that is where the interest has been.

I believe curcumin has broader application than that. Since we know it has effects outside the intestine, and it is non-toxic,  it should be applied more for dog cancer.

Curcumin does not dissolve well in water.  This is one of the things that limits its absorption.  You can overcome this by mixing it with lecithin and water and making a slurry.  Lecithin is available online. It is very , very gooey, so you add some water to the curcumin-lecithin, about 4 parts water to 1 part lecithin.
You can put some low sodium bullion in it for flavor, or similar agents.

Many of the commercial preparations have bromelain with it, to enhance blood levels.  No problem.
Doses are approximate, and taken from human literature.  For a large dog, use about 2 grams two times a day, as an estimation.

Do not use curcumin with gall stones, stomach ulcers, or within 10 days of surgery.

There is a possibility it should perhaps be avoided with liver problems in some references.  I believe this effect is not likely based on serial blood tests in my hospital with its use, but discuss with your vet, as always.

There is more in how curcumin fits into the full spectrum plan in the downloadable cancer book on

Best to all,
Dr D

Turmeric for Dogs, Cats 


Turmeric is such a remarkable natural remedy for people that pet owners are bound to try it for their dogs and cats as well. But is turmeric safe for pets? And is it an effective remedy for ailments in your cats, dogs, and other pets? Earth Clinic can help you find those pet care answers!

Curcumin, the principle active component in turmeric, is a potent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent that shows promise in the prevention and treatment of cancer and Alzheimer's Disease, among other conditions. And yes, it is generally found to be safe for dogs and cats.

Home Remedies: Vets frequently recommend the addition of turmeric to your dog or cat's diet if they have been diagnosed with cancer. Offer your pet up to a quarter of a teaspoon per day for every 10 pounds of your pet's weight. Turmeric can also be good for reducing arthritis inflammation and pain in pets!

Turmeric Spice: A Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Agent


By Dr. Becker
Today I want to discuss turmeric, which is a bright yellow spice plant with the scientific name Curcuma longa.

Curcuma longa

Curcuma longa is a perennial plant in the ginger family. It grows about five to six feet high, has a trumpet-shaped, dull yellow flower, tough brown skin, and a deep orange flesh.
Turmeric has a fragrant aroma and a bitter, slightly sharp taste. It grows in many tropical regions but the majority is grown in India, where it is used in curry.
The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, found in the roots and bulbs. They are typically boiled and then dried, which results in the yellow powder most of us are familiar with.

Turmeric Provides Benefits to Both Humans and Animals

Turmeric has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
A growing body of more recent Western and holistic medicine evidence shows that turmeric is a preventive agent for a wide range of diseases, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect.
In both humans and animals, turmeric has been shown to:

Enhance antioxidant protection against free radicals Balance the digestive tract
Promote healthy skin and eyes Promote healthy blood and circulation
Provide and support a healthy immune system Maintain normal cholesterol levels
Promote joint health Improve stress tolerance
Encourage healthy liver function Maintain healthy blood sugar levels within normal range

Curcumin’s Disease Prevention and Healing Properties

The list of curcumin’s preventive and healing properties is a long one. According to an overview published in 2007 of a study conducted at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center’s Department of Experimental Therapeutics1:
“Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities and thus has a really significant potential effect against various malignant diseases, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, and other chronic illnesses.”
Also in 2007, ethnobotanist James Duke published a comprehensive summary of turmeric studies in Alternative and Complementary Therapies2. Duke reviewed around 700 studies that concluded: “… turmeric appears to outperform many pharmaceuticals in its effects against several chronic debilitating diseases, and does so with virtually no adverse side effects.”
One of the conditions turmeric has been found to be beneficial for is arthritis. Turmeric contains more than two dozen anti-inflammatory compounds, including six different COX-2 inhibitors. The COX-2 enzyme promotes pain, swelling, and inflammation, so inhibitors selectively block that enzyme.

Studies of the usefulness of curcumin have demonstrated positive changes in arthritic symptoms.
Duke found more than 700 citations for curcumin and cancer as well. He noted that in the handbook Phytochemicals: Mechanisms of Action, curcumin and/or turmeric were effective in animal models in prevention and/or treatment of colon cancer, mammary cancer, prostate cancer, and liver cancer in rats.

Researchers at Colorado State University’s Animal Cancer Center are evaluating the potential for curcumin to treat feline cancer, specifically feline vaccine-associated sarcoma3.
Researchers at Vanderbilt University have found curcumin to be very beneficial in slowing the progression of autoimmune diseases in the animal model4.

Supplementing Your Pet’s Diet with Turmeric

As you can see, potentially all mammals can benefit from this amazing spice.
Most dogs and cats readily accept a little seasoning on their meals. I have also found that all my pets, including my birds, do fine with the fresh root grated over their food.

If you want to increase the amount of biologically available curcumin in your pet’s diet, you’ll need to go with a supplement. I recommend you look for a high-quality, organic turmeric product and consider giving cats about 100 milligrams twice a day. Small to medium-sized dogs can be given 250 milligrams twice a day, and large to giant breeds should get 500 milligrams two to three times a day.

As always, you’ll want to discuss the exact amounts needed for your individual pet with your holistic veterinarian.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Kranji Farms

We (including the grams) went to a few farms in Kranji including the organic veg farms to get our veg! Cool place and we'll be back there again!

Dogs are also allowed at the cafe because the owner has over 10 dogs of her own! Big ones. Although the cafe isn't vegan, but they do customize the dishes to be vegan. Mom's fav is the fried moringa. Not so healthy but awesomeeeee she says. No I didn't get any since they're deep-fried.

flowers flowers!

eyeing those big in-house doggies

we all love coco-nuts!

we are ''For Sale but only to rich foreigners!'' LOL

just minding our own businesses.........

there's over 10 more inside the villa! with a huge pond too

awesome place......

grandpa kept telling mom to look out in case we fall into the pit
behind. LOL