I, as usual........... am a very gooood girl. Only barkin' when I heard their neighbors' locks clankin' there. Cotton on the other hand, was A TERROR. I'm suppose to be the terror since I'm a terrier.... but no..... she decided to take on my role. She barked & barked at everyone... even Rossi didn't dare befriend her. But that's her style of ''making friends''. She needs to bark non-stop & sniff butts & will be best fwens within a few sessions of meetin-ups. But some dogs do not take too well to her ultra-unique & super-rude way of makin' fwens u see.......
Anyways I'm not the kinda bitch who goes around makin fwens wit my own species... I only love other species of animals like birds, cats, rodents etc. I don't mean killin' them... I really mean LOVING them hehe. & since Rossi is a bitch... I didn't bother much abt her too & vice versa since she's a shy fella.
So, meet Rossi.......
She's 2+ & on organic raw foods like us too =]
This' the only blur pix of me & Rossi... Mom took this wit juz 1 hand... so pardon her
me...... the bestest... in my Mommy's eyes
This was AFTER she got treats from them -___-
This' me after Mom full-groomed me today
Mom always says I'm a HANDSOME bitch. why? because I behave like a boy while my biological brother behaves like a GIRL! She says she thinks we had our souls switched while in our Mommy's womb...

me...... the bestest... in my Mommy's eyes

This was AFTER she got treats from them -___-

The psycho & the. quiet
This' me after Mom full-groomed me today
Mom always says I'm a HANDSOME bitch. why? because I behave like a boy while my biological brother behaves like a GIRL! She says she thinks we had our souls switched while in our Mommy's womb...

Time to rest while Mom & Dad heads off for their 16hrs Challenge (a running thing). Mom has NEVER been away from us for THAT long! hmph
Mom: Update (270311) - I decided that I missed them loadssss & came hm at 12am. It was supposed to be from 5pm (Sat) to 9am (Sun). Hence, I decided to stop the run & head hm at 12am. They were really happy to see me... even Chewy! =]
1 comment:
Rossi is so cute! I love the ears. My friend has a dog like that and I love it when it plays with my Bichon Frise. They really seem to like each other.
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