Please visit our Natural Pawpals website for prices of our natural products!
Here are some before/after pictures of our natural dehydrated treats.
Raw Silverfish
Dehydrated Silverfish
Raw Shishamo (aka Capelin, aka 'pregnant' fish)
Dehydrated Shishamo
Raw Pig Tendons
Dehydrated Pig Tendons (100g in pix)
Raw Beef Lungs
Cooked Pigs' Maw
Raw Whole Chicken Feet
Dehydrated Chicken Feet (approximately 20 grms each)
Raw Sliced Potatoes
Dehydrated Potatoe Slices
Raw Crocodile Tail Meat
Dehydrated Chicken Feet (approximately 20 grms each)
Raw Sliced Potatoes
Dehydrated Potatoe Slices
Raw Crocodile Tail Meat
Raw Kuning Fishies (Bones can be fed as it doesn't splinter becuz they're dried. NOT COOKED.
Raw Suan Chim Fishies
Raw Mutton
Dehydrated Mutton
Dehydrated PIGS' HEARTS! de yummiest n nicest smellin of em all!!!!
Raw Pork
Dehydrated Pigs' Livers
Before: Salmon Tails (M forgot that u can't air dry fats/oily stuffs (salmon skin in this case) as it'll turn rancid. shucks. dat means we gotta finish them fast!
Skinless & Boneless Salmon (After)
Beef/Mutton Lungs (M ordered it frm a forum member for a gd cause. Part of the proceeds goes to Mutts & Mittens Animal Shelter)
Raw Sliced Chicken Breasts Strips (Before)
After they're done, take them out & cool it down @ room temperature.
The goal of dehydratin these raw foods is to maintain as much nutrients as possible through dehydration. Cookin them (usin microwaves, ovens, stoves) will lose almost all of its nutrients.
Raw Sliced Chicken Breasts Strips (Before)
After they're done, take them out & cool it down @ room temperature.
The goal of dehydratin these raw foods is to maintain as much nutrients as possible through dehydration. Cookin them (usin microwaves, ovens, stoves) will lose almost all of its nutrients.
Drool, drool, dribble, drool! Those dried treats look AMAZING. What a shame that you have to eat the salmon up so fast!
Oscar x
I love you treats!!! I love your prawns, pig hearts, batang and kunning!! *slurps*
Mega Ultra Drooling MuFFin
happen to be here through dog forum. I m very interested in these treats. Can let me noe if the prices stated here like $10 for the chicken breast is for one slice or one bag? and how many days can i keep it? and how to go about cllect it from you.
Pls get back to me cos i cant wait to get it for my gal. can email me
can PM too at dog forum. My user name is Cookie - Chihuahua.
How do i place order for pork hock tendons ? would like to have 200grams.
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