Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lamb Shanks Day

We finally had our lamb shanks today! Due to our accumulated tartar on the inner surfaces of the teeth whereby Mom has to 'move' our tongues to scale them. Obviously she can't really scale that area for us as our tongues can't really stop movin!

Thus 2 huge lamb shanks were thrown to both of us.

free-range lamb shanks which are more ex (we had these 2day)

normal lamb shanks which's much cheaper

its almost the size of the silly white 1's face! same color as well

see the size difference of the lamb shank in juz 2hrs???

Our teeth's tartar are 80% off! Mom now has 1 less task to do - scale our teeth. & we of cuz got more than wat we deserved! Naturally-scaled teeth + lotsa lotsa jaw exercises for a whoppin 2 long hrs + FOOOOOOOOD!!!!!!! =]

1 comment:

Asta said...

Hi Birdy
Thanks fow the Birfday wishes..that lamb shank looks sooo yummie..I bet youw teew spawkle!
lucky lucky doggie
smoochie kisses