Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Majesty On Board...

More pix-ies of Sunset & ME durin our 'playtime'!!!

My Majesty tryin to climb on board...

MY Majesty on board!!

I felt so hungry... I wasn't tryin to eat her... really!!

MY Majesty thought I had designs on her!!!

& SHE had to go pull my beardy.......... :(

okok time for u to go home. play's over...

ok play's over & my mission of sendin Sunset back is smooth

I tink im in love with her............................ im so confused, am i a birdy? or a doggie? Actually I kinda love my Chinchillas & Guinea Pig too... & a few of those cats downstairs. Oh sheesh.... am I a cross of EVERY species???


Asta said...

Hi kids!
I'm sowwy I haven't visited fow a while..I don't think you'we anything but a sweet lovely doggie! I love all evewybody too..I have fwiends of evewy kind, that just makes you a sweetie pie!
I lov ethose poctoowes of you with youw bootiful biwd!
I hope you and youw family have a vewy happy Thanksgiving
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

woofies All!!!! Birdy u r sooo gentle wiff that birdy...u got a big heart!!!

b safe,