Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Organic dried Burdock Root

The organic shop FINALLY brought in this herb FOR US as its pretty high in demand here recently by some consumers. Mom adds this with our organic veg & blends them all together (6 days ration)

This is Organic dried Burdock Root, which primary medicinal activities are:

- Blood Cleansin
- Liver & Gallbladder stimulant
- Diuretic
- Nutritive

2.5ounces (70.87g) of fresh burdock root contains up to 61mg of calcium, 77mg of phosphorus, 1.4mg of iron, 0.03mg of thiamine, & 0.05mg of riboflavin.

(M: This is a very safe herb for dogs. Gd for Skin & Liver. Burdock helps clean the body from inside out. It also has free-radical scavengin qualities in the liver, thus weedin out carcinogenic elements before cellular damage can occur.)
It is also gd for dogs with dry/flaky skin problems. Also used in holistic treatment of arthritis, rheumatoid disorders, inflammatory kidney & bladder disorders & any type of metabolic disorder dat may be the result of poor elimination & diet. Addin to all this is a diuretic action that helps in the elimination of waste materials from the body.

Organic Dried Burdock Root

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