Starr, as usual became SO HYPER! Its almost as though its his 1st time meetin his kind.
see, this is his daddy (Mitch) with Starr! Mitch is so afraid of his son

Starr irritatin the hell outta Cushla

see wat I mean when I say Starr's IRRITATIN?

finally he got a lil' tired. Here's Cushla after her groomin. See her nice defined tuck-up & rose-ears?

the always HANDSOME Remy after his groomin. Nice defined rose-ears, face & tuck-up

the forever IRRITATIN & GOOFY Starr

can u spot my irritated face? & his irritatin face?

go go disturb every1

mayb he's mistaken pretty & dainty Cushla for his mom! dat dummy

Starr's currently 10.2kg to date @ 19 weeks & 3 days old & standin @ an estimate height @ withers of 17.75 inches. His brindle is also becomin of a darker shade, which Mitch's mommy says its lookin like a Red Brindle now. So he may be Red Brindle Parti after all. But none's confirmed til he's older!
I think he's cute @ times. But he's extremely irritatin most of the time. He loves loves LOVES to bite bite my fur! Mom's thinkin of sendin him for some Basic Obedience Trainin when he's 6 to 7 months old. & hopefully, if all permits, he can do some Agility in the near future.
U noe... Mom's read that a Sweden's Research reveals that the Kindest Dogs in the world are the Whippets & Greyhounds. So everyone... welcome to the enchantin world of the Whippets!
Hmm... I tot I was kinder than Starr? I'm kind by nature too, altho sometimes I dun look like it as I LURVVV barkin as a form of greetin @ home. Mom's mom also says that Starr's a very kind, goofy & EXTREMELY STRONG pup. His kicks can blow u away despite his skinny & fragile legs. Come & try to feel for yourself...
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