Monday, September 16, 2013

Cherimoya Turns 6 Months Young

Yup... my lil' Cherimoya turns 6 months young today! So Mom as usually gotta grab her out for a few shots haha!

And Dad just gotta say... ''trolley again?''. And Mom went pffttt... no, just some normal shots.

So Dad had Cherimoya in a bottle LOL. Don't worry... no animals were harmed being in the huge 1L bottle. Huge enough for a hamster.

hamster in a bottle, anyone? comes with a free organic pumpkin seed


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aw...the pictures of Cherimoya in the jar are just adorable!! :-)

I hope Grandma Honey's abcess heals up soon!

Honey teh Great Dane